Volume 2, No. 3 • Fall 1987

Patient Safety At The ASA

A variety of presentations at the October 10-14 ASA Annual Meeting in Atlanta will consider issues related to anesthesia patient safety. Also, there will again be among the exhibits the Patient Safety Booth display sponsored by the ASA Committee on Patient Safety and Risk Management.

Among the Refresher Courses on Sunday, Oct. 1 I will be “Anesthesia Disasters: Incidence, Causes, Preventability” by R. Keenan, M.D., “The Measurement and Maintenance of Oxygen Transport” by K. Tremper, M.D. and “Oxygen Monitoring in the OR: by C. Whitcher, M.D. Further, “Capnography A Useful Clinical Monitor for the Anesthesiologist” will be given by D. Swedlow, M.D.

As part of the Clinical Forum, E.S. Siker, M.D. will present sessions on “Which Monitors and Why” and “Anesthetic Mishaps.”

A special meeting on “Standards for Anesthesia Care” will be held 9-11 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 13.

Among the scientific presentations, there will be three sessions under the heading “Patient Safety and Epidemiology.” Oral papers will be presented Monday, Oct. 12 with eight papers in the morning sessions and 11 in the afternoon while there will be poster sessions Wednesday, Oct. 14 including patient safety topics.

Also on Wednesday the 14th there will be a panel discussion on “Monitoring” including consideration of cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological, and obstetrical monitoring as well as presentations on pulse oximetry and “standards and the law.”