Volume 12, No. 2 • Summer 1997

APSF Corporate Donors

APSF Corporate Donors

Founding Patron American Society of Anesthesiologists

Grand Patrons Glaxo Wellcome Inc. Hewlett-Packard Company Ohmeda Inc. Preferred Physicians Medical Risk Retention Group, Inc. Nellcor Puritan BennettZeneca Pharmaceuticals Group (ICI)

Patrons Abbott Laboratories Hoffman La-Roche, Inc.

Sustaining Members Anesthesiologists’ Professional Assurance Co. Becton Dickinson Johnson & Johnson Medical, Inc. Datex Medical Instrumentation, Inc. Mallinckrodt Medical, Inc. Marquette Electronics, Inc. Medical Inter-Insurance Exchange of NJ North American Drager Company Spegas Industries Ltd.

Sponsoring Members J. Jeffrey Andrews, M.D. Arizona Society of Anesthesiologists Arrow International Aspect Medical Systems, Inc. Bayer Corp. Beth Israel (MA) Anesthesia Foundation CAE Electronics, Inc. Connecticut Society of Anesthesiologists Datascope Corporation Norig Ellison, M.D. Michael L. Good, M.D. Iowa Society of Anesthesiologists King Systems Corporation Massachusetts Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Medaes, Inc. Medical Education Technologies Medical Gas Management, Inc. Ohio Society of Anesthesiologists Pennsylvania Society of Anesthesiologists Pittsburgh Anesthesia Associates, Ltd. Society of Office Based Anesthesia Southeast Anesthesia Associates, P.A.

Subscribing Societies American Association of Nurse Anesthetists

Corporate Level Members Boehringer Laboratories, Inc. Frederick W. Cheney, M.D. Independence Anesthesia Indiana Society of Anesthesiologists Munroe Regional Medical Center New Jersey State Society of Anesthesiologists Memorial Contribution Made by the Texas Society of Anesthesiologists in memory of Benjamin Ty Po, M.D., Houston, Texas.